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Build a Mountain of Mushrooms under Steak

Mary Kay

This is the skinny on eating better!

Steak with sweet Vermouth sauteed mushrooms is probably the tastiest meal a meat lover could enjoy. I am all over this combination of sirloin steak, roasted brussels sprouts with peppers along with sweet Vermouth sauteed mushrooms. It is DEEE-licious!

Steak is often given a bad rap because it’s red meat and many times is fried in some type of fat. This recipe has it frying in a very hot non-stick pan with no fat needed. It also calls for a conservative amount of meat – only 5 ounces per person for this two-person meal…and the steak is served atop a pile of vitamin rich veggies.

It’s a clean meal, meaning there is absolutely no tenderizer or anything injected into this steak to cover any toughness or “off” flavors, and no extra spices or herbs added to cover a poor tasting piece of meat.

This steak is fixed in a hot skillet to crisp it on the outside and offer a medium flavor on the inside. The way this steak meal prepared is reminiscent of the popular old supper club steaks. It is delicious.

Please get a good quality steak at a custom meat counter in your favorite grocery store or meat market. You will be glad you did, especially when accompanied by these delicious caramelized mushrooms.

There is only 1 tablespoon of butter in this meal (in the mushrooms) for two people, so that’s not much fat shared between two. The butter is needed to give the proper flavor to combine with the mushrooms and sweet vermouth. In many recipes I can successfully substitute olive oil for the butter, but I would NOT substitute olive oil in this recipe. It just won’t give the same buttery flavor to the mushies.

Roast your Brussel sprouts along with red and yellow sweet peppers with extra virgin olive oil. And, sauté the 8 ounces of mushrooms caramelized in sweet vermouth. What a delicious combination. The aroma is enough to make your mouth water as it’s being prepared.

Prep your pans:

- Heat up an 8” non-stick fry pan for sautéing the mushrooms.

- Heat up a 10” non-stick or cast-iron fry pan for the steaks, to get it red hot.

- Place a parchment paper liner in a small cookie sheet for roasting the veggies.

Gather your Ingredients:

1 10-12 oz Sirloin steak (1-1.5” thick), nicely marbled, cut in half or a different size for each person

8 oz Mushrooms, whole or sliced button type

1 T Butter

1/3 C Sweet Vermouth (NOT dry vermouth)

8 oz Brussels sprouts, cleaned and cut in half

½ Red Pepper, cleaned and cut into chunks

½ Yellow Pepper, cleaned and cut into chunks

Extra Virgin Olive Oil for drizzling on the veggies

Salt and pepper to taste

Roast the veggies:

- Clean the veggies and cut them into similarly sized chunks.

- Place them in a bowl and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil.

- Pour them on the parchment paper lined baking sheet.

- Roast them at 400F degrees for 14 minutes. You can start roasting them about 15 minutes before you begin the steaks.

- Flip them over and roast for another 10-15 minutes, taking care not to burn them.

- The Brussels sprouts should be nicely browned on both sides.

- Set aside and keep warm until ready to serve.

Caramelize the Mushrooms:

- Clean the mushrooms and slice in thick slices.

- Begin them about 5-10 minutes before you fry the steaks.

- In the heated pan, melt 1 T butter on medium or medium high.

- Add the mushrooms and sauté until they have cooked down about half way. They will reduce quite a bit due to all the moisture in them. They should be at a hard simmer.

- Add the sweet Vermouth and continue to simmer, until they have begun to caramelize.

- Once the sauce turns clear they are pretty much done. Set aside and keep warm.

We fry our steaks for medium doneness:

- Place the steaks in your red-hot fry pan. They may smoke, so turn on your overhead stove fan.

- Fry on each side for about 4-5 minutes each. Do not try to turn them before the 4 minutes or they may stick. They will release at the 4 minutes, and will be nice and crisp.

- Fry them another 4-5 minutes on the other side, to bring that side to a nice crisp surface.

Serve up a clean and delicious meal!

- Slice the steaks at an angle for about 8 slices out of each steak to show off the medium reddish pink doneness inside.

- Pile the mushrooms on each plate.

- Splay the steak slices over the piles of mushrooms.

- Garnish the meal with the roasted veggies on the side of the plate

- What a delicious and colorful meal!

- My husband and I have enjoyed this type of steak meal since we were first dating. I especially like it when the steak has been sliced at an angle to show off the pink-red of the inside of the steak. The caramelized mushrooms are the perfect sweet accent to this prime sirloin steak. And the roasted veggies make for a perfect vitamin-nutritious side for the meal.

- My husband and I used to host many steak dinners at our home with some very special friends, and this meal was by far favored by everyone. Perfectly fried or grilled steaks with the sweet Vermouth sauteed mushrooms…this meal still remains my favorite and is reminiscent of the popular old Wisconsin supper clubs and our many hosted steak dinners.

To make this steak even more reminiscent of a delicious old Wisconsin supper club meal, stir up a Brandy Old Fashioned or Bourbon Manhattan cocktail or after dinner blend a frozen Brandy Alexander ice cream drink. Clink in the New Year and look forward to a wonderful 2023!

Enjoy this meal with your favorite person and “Bake your own Memories!”


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